R-flor radiant barrier flooring is a particleboard flooring with a foil laminated on the underside of the flooring board. It has a low emittance (high reflectance) metallised foil surface which significantly reduces radiative heat transfer. It incorporates a termicide for added protection against termites and is easily identified by its blue edge coat.

Designed to provide a total flooring concept, STRUCTAflor R-flor is particularly suited to platform construction where the floor is laid prior to the erection of walls. They are made from precision milled wood flakes and bonded with moisture resistant synthetic resin. For additional protection during construction and exposure to weather, the upper surface is resin enriched and all edges of the tongue and grooved sheets are coated.


STRUCTAflor R-flor

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)

  • R-flor has an increased Bushfire Attack Level rating (BAL) compared to normal particleboard flooring.
  • If subfloor is enclosed then R-flor can be used for the highest BAL rating of BAL – FZ.
  • If subfloor is unenclosed then R-flor can be used up to a BAL 29.

Increased System R Value (Insulation)

  • R-flor provides a significant system insulation R-value increase compared to normal STRUCTAflor YELLOWtongue flooring.

Reduced Moisture Uptake

  • 80% less moisture uptake through the bottom surface compared to other common wood subfloor products.
  • Less moisture uptake means better overall subfloor and floor covering performance, especially when building close to the ground.
  • Significantly reduced risk of moisture vapor transmission through the subfloor means far less issues with expansion, cupping and other moisture related problems when laying timber floor coverings such as solid, engineered, laminate and bamboo.
  • Significant reduction in mould growth potential during and after construction on both top and bottom surfaces.

Termite Resistant H2

  • R-flor H2 is deemed to be a termite resistant building material under the Building Code of Australia and AS 3660.1.

Load Carrying Capability

R-flor comes in three thicknesses based upon what load factor is required:

  • 19mm YELLOWtongue, 3600mm x 800mm
  • 22mm REDtongue, 3600mm x 800mm
  • 25mm BLUEtongue, 3600mm x 800mm


Thickness Length Width Coverage per sheet Sheets per pack Packs per trailer Weight per sheet Domestic flooring maximum joist spacing
mm mm mm m2 kg mm
Yellow Tongue Residential application
19mm 3600 800 2.88 15 36 37 450
Red Tongue Residential & light industrial applications where more load carrying capacity is required
22mm 3600 800 2.88 15 32 43 600



    Produced to meet Australian/New Zealand General Purpose AS/NZS1860.1 Particleboard Flooring Part 1: Specifications.

    Termite Treatment Brand Numbers
    • Oberon Plant 135 70 H2

    Installation Instructions

    Please refer to the STRUCTAflor Installation and Design Manual

    The Australian Standard allows for either flexible or rigid construction adhesive to be used. Screw fixing is the preferred method, however the Australian Standard allows for either screw or nail fixing into timber joists.

    AS1860.2 Particleboard Flooring Part 2: Installation sets out the minimum performance requirements for the installation of particleboard flooring which are acceptable to building authorities in Australia.

    Thermal Insulation

    The thermal conductivity of STRUCTAflor is 0.12W/mK. Thermal resistance (R-values) calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of Australian General Purpose AS/NZS4589.1 for the nominated thicknesses are:

    • YELLOWtongue 19mm R0.16
    • REDtongue 22mm R0.18

    Bushfire Areas

    The method of determining the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) for a site has been revised and now comprises six categories, namely BAL- LOW, BAL-12.5, BAL-19, BAL-29, BAL-40 and BAL-FZ. These categories are based on heat fl ux exposure thresholds.

    The methods for determining the Bushfire Attack Level now include both a step-by step procedure, including tables that list climate, slope of ground and vegetation variations in States and Territories and a detailed calculated procedure.

    Please refer to AS 3959 “Construction of Building in Bushfire-Prone areas” and “Guide to building in Bushfire affected areas”.


    STRUCTAflor is designed to withstand full weather exposure for up to five months.

    Because of this there is a tendency to leave packs unprotected on site before installation. Packs of STRUCTAflor must be protected from the weather until it is installed as moisture penetration of the product before installation may lead to gaps occurring at the flooring joints when the product dries out.

    When storing outside, ensure packs are kept clear off the ground. Cover with waterproof sheeting laid on timber battens so that air circulates freely between the waterproof cover and the product.


    The product may be exposed to the weather for up to five months. However, it is always advisable to enclose the building as soon as possible after laying the floor. During the exposure, prevailing weather conditions can influence the surface condition of the board and may cause minor swelling following the enclosure of the building, this can be removed by sanding.

    The depth of material removed shall not exceed the following:
    • 1mm – Over the general panel area
    • 2mm – Within 50mm of any supported edge

    Remove any water that ponds on the platform by sweeping or by drilling holes (no larger than 8mm in diameter and no closer than 1 meter apart).

    Design Parameters and Safe Loads

    Design parameters information and safe load tables are included in the EWPAA Particleboard Structural Flooring Design Manual

    Safety & Waste Disposal

    Gloves, dust masks and glasses should be worn at all times when working with timber. Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for full details.

    Off-cuts can be disposed of as normal landfill waste. Do not burn treated timbers. Please refer to above Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for full details below.

    Environmental Information

    Produced to meet Australian/New Zealand General Purpose AS/NZS1860.1 Particleboard Flooring Part 1: Specifications.

    Formaldehyde emission meets the E1 general-purpose requirement of ≤1.5 mg/L when tested in accordance with Australian/New Zealand General Purpose AS/NZS 4266.16:2004 Method of test 16: Formaldehyde emission - Desiccator method.

    Environmental credentials are detailed in the Wood Solutions Environmental Product Declaration: Particleboard

  • FAQ


    Can nails be used to fix to steel joists?

    No, this is not recommended and is not allowed for in the Australian Standards.

    Can nails be used for fixing to I joists?

    The Australian Standard recommends screw fixing to I joists. Typically, the I joist flange is 35mm thick, which will result in the nail penetrating through the flange and reducing the holding capacity of the nail.

    How do you minimize the risk of a squeaky floor?

    For best results it is recommended to use screws and adhesive to fix your floor.

    Do I need to use adhesive to fix STRUCTAflor along with screws/nails?

    Yes, as per the Australian Standard, the use of adhesive is mandatory when fixing particleboard flooring.

    If it is going to rain during installation, should I cover STRUCTAflor with plastic or similar?

    No, covering the surface during installation will trap the moisture, this can then lead to mold and other moisture related issues.

    After Fixing

    Why has my STRUCTAflor swelled at the edges?

    This swelling can happen when exposed to weather during construction, as STRUCTAflor is made from natural materials this moisture can result in minor swelling, generally at the edges. This can be corrected by sanding and can be done within the specified tolerance once the floor has dried. The floor will remain fit for its intended purpose with no long term performance issues.

    Why have gaps have appeared between sheets?

    Generally caused by sheets being wet prior to installation or extreme drying post installation, this generally won’t result in a structural issue. The gaps can be fi lled with an elastomeric fi ller; however you should wait until the roof is on or the floor is protected from the weather.

    Can STRUCTAflor expand and contract with changes to moisture conditions?

    Yes, like all timber products, STRUCTAflor can expand or contract as the moisture content of the panel changes. The normal moisture content of STRUCTAflor should be between 8 – 14%. Shrinkage can cause gaps between sheets, this can be mimimised by ensuring STRUCTAflor is stored under cover and kept dry prior to installing. Expansion can be an issue on large floors that are exposed to heavy or continuous wetting. Drilling holes up to 8mm in diameter will minimize pooling on the surface of the floor. The Australian Standard also states that for large continuous flooring widths expansion gaps of 10mm should be positioned every 6m; either a single 10mm gap under a wall or smaller gaps where sheets join adding to 10mm.

    Areas of Use

    Can I fix ceramic tiles directly to STRUCTAflor?

    No, Australian Panels recommends the use of fibre cement underlay between tiles and the STRUCTAflor.

    Can STRUCTAflor be used on covered balconies?

    No, the structural integrity of the product could be compromised by regular wetting over the extended life of the balcony.

    Can STRUCTAflor be used in wet areas ie. bathrooms, laundries and toilets?

    Yes, provided the floors and wall to floor joints are fully sealed with a waterproof membrane.